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Alcohol abuse is made up of physical, psychological, psychosocial and chemical effects that alcohol has on human beings, and accumulative repercussion of these effects.


Our early experiences with alcohol may support an idea that alcohol has a positive effect on us. Most of people would start drinking to aid social occasions, to feel relaxed, more confident, to overcome anxiety associated with social interactions. 


Alcohol depresses nerves, hence it seems reasonable to believe it would loosen us up and make social situations smooth. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Those of us who find conversations with strangers difficult would find them equally difficult when intoxicated. Social interactions may become even harder when you have been drinking as you are hopelessly trying not to appear intoxicated. 


Alcohol is a depressant and an anaesthetic. It gives us a feeling of relaxation but the nervous system reacts to this by releasing stimulants and becoming more sensitive. As a result, when alcohol wears off, we tend to be more anxious than we were before having a drink. We are likely to  take another drink to relieve anxiety and over time we come to believe that whenever we experience stress or anxiety, alcohol is the answer. 


Widespread availability and social acceptance of drinking can be a significant factor leading to alcohol abuse and addiction. 


Excessive drinking has a damaging impact on wellbeing, health, relationships, it negatively affects sleep pattern. 


If drinking alcohol negatively affects your life or lives of people around you, alcohol addiction counselling may help you. Our life experiences and experiences with alcohol differ. There is no one approach that serves all. My aim is to work with you and to understand your needs, and how drinking may affect your life. 


Clarity, understanding of addiction and support are essential to recovery.


If you are concerned about your alcohol consumption and you want to take steps towards your recovery, I invite you to get in touch and book a consultation

"Joan", a 28 years old professional, attended counselling to address her long-standing struggle with alcohol addiction. She had been struggling with alcohol dependency nearly a decade, which had negatively impacted her relationships, both personal and professional, as well as her overall wellbeing.


Throughout our sessions, "Joan" demonstrated exceptional resilience and commitment to her recovery. Her willingness to confront underlying triggers, paired with her strong support system, played a crucial role in her transformation. With time, she learned new, healthy coping strategies, repaired trust with her loved ones and restored her passions.

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Anxiety is the most common mental health condition is Australia. 1 in 4 people is affected by anxiety at some stage in their life. 


Stress and anxiety are common and healthy reaction to situations when we are under pressure. These feelings usually pass when the stressful event is over.


Fears, doubts and worries are part of life, however, it happens that the level of distress becomes suffocating and unbearable. When worries become persistent, intrusive and excessive, everyday life can be affected to the point of being hardly manageable and overwhelming. 



It is crucial to differentiate between distress and anxiety. Distress is a negative emotional reaction when we are unable to manage stressors. Psychological distress is a subjective experience but there are common factors like heightened state of stress, increased irritation, inability to calm down, general fatigue and low energy level, problems with sleeping. Anxiety is manifested by hyperarousal of brain and body, shortness of breath, numbness, dryness of mouth, inability to relax, ruminating and disturbed sleep pattern. 


While distress is linked to external events, anxiety is related to internal stress overreactions, rather than external factors. 


Experiencing anxiety for a long time can lead to irrational fears of situation that seem normal for other people. We may excessively worry about future, finances, how other people see us, we can worry about worrying too much…


It is important to obtain knowledge and tools to manage anxiety. If untreated, anxiety can become so extreme that the person affected by it can isolate, become avoidant or withdraw themselves from everyday life. 


Anxiety Counselling can be helpful in learning how to recognise and control anxiety, so its impact is decreased and you are in control of your life. 

"Mark", 45 years old professional, sought counselling to address his debilitating anxiety that had been haunting him for years. His anxiety manifested as a constant worry and a fear of social situations, which were undermining his personal and professional life. When "Mark" reached out for help, he felt trapped and overwhelmed with his anxious thoughts. 


Thought the combination of cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness techniques, "Mark" began to gain control over his anxiety. Our counselling sessions equipped him with tools to challenge negative thought patterns and develop healthier coping skills. Over time, "Mark's" confidence grew and he was able to face social and work related situations with greater ease. 

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